Our pattern of Church at Cross Hills at the present time is...............
10.30am: Morning worship. The First 15 (minutes) is led by a member of the congregation/worship leader/youth team. Worship is followed by tea & coffee.
2.30pm: The Youth Worship Team meets for worship, music, planning, fellowship and Bible Study.
6.00pm: Youthie (12–19’s) meet for discussion, prayer, fellowship and food!
On the first Sunday of the month (but see plan to be sure) we also have an Early Morning Communion at 9.00am followed by breakfast.
On the third Sunday of the Month, we have ABC Worship, All-age Breakfast Church, particularly suitable for families. This is breakfast, followed by an informal time of craft activities, games, music and video followed by All Age Worship.
We share in Worship with friends at St Thomas's four times a year for morning worship, and twice a quarter in the evening.
6.15pm till 7.15pm: The Beavers meet.
9.30am - 11.00am and 1.00pm – 2.30pm: Baby Song (@ St Thomas Church Hall)
11.15am - 1.00pm: Lunch fellowship - Coffee followed by soup, sandwich and cakes!
7.30pm: Bible study/fellowship (generally last Wednesday in the month) in people's homes.
11.00 am: Worship in Nursing Homes - the 1st Thursday of the month at Woodfield Grange, the 3rd Thursday of the month at Calderdale Retreat
1.00pm – 2.30pm: Baby and Toddlers group
7.15pm: Choir Practice in the Upper Room.
6.00pm – 7.30pm: JC’s kids club (5-11’s) downstairs
9.00am: Prayer fellowship
COFFEE MORNINGS: Held on the last Saturday of the month - 10.00am till 12.00 Midday.
FUND-RAISING: We meet together for a variety of fund-raising events too, wherever and whenever we can get a venue, to keep the coffers topped up!
The Hopscotch Out of School Club use our premises every day before and after school, and Pre-School during tjhe day