Planning for the future of Cross Hills
Our priorities are:
Developing our life of worship and discipleship
Work with children and young people
Providing opportunities for members of the community to come together in fellowship
Being a church with the use of a modern up-to-date building, along with the potential a new facility brings, means we had to look at our roles and responsibilities afresh. There were already teams meeting and working, but we needed first to consider, how the work was done and by whom? Then, being aware that, in moving forward, extending our mission and ministry in the community, we couldn’t leave all the work to a small group of people as this would be unsustainable and could lead to burn out!
We explored proposals for the Organization and Management of the Church, the setting up of teams to take our work forward in the way we feel God is nudging us, setting our priorities as part of Gods mission and working towards them. We considered
It was determined each team would have a lay leader. All church members must associate to a group as a working member or a praying member, adherents are encouraged to do likewise – thus each group should have good working and prayer support. Prayer days for each group could be organised. Each team regularly report back to church through communication networks (website, email, magazines etc) and annually in conversation at the AGM.
The lay leader is then part of leadership team which consists of team leaders and Minister. They encourage and support each other, work through any issues for Church council and arrange to take the lead there if appropriate. This group could also consist of someone with responsibility for communications networks – to facilitate reporting and solve any communication issues.
In its official role as management team, the church council oversees the teams; enables them in their decision making but is there to re-enforce and make any necessary recommendations / decisions. It could take reports from the St Thomas’ liaison group; and also be the place where discussions are first held re: new initiatives and fresh expressions.
The Teams
‘Bulleted’ teams (e.g. Creative Worship Team) meet currently.
Responsible for
Communication with and care of preachers / worship leaders
Arranging readers / Prayers / Offertory and notices
Communion and other resources (Lent / Advent)
Greeting & communicating with all churchgoers
Keeping up to date with safeguarding matters
Organising alternative service if appointed preacher doesn’t turn up!
Attending official church meetings
Preparation of worship space - Chairs etc
Use of Sound and Vision (See worship team)
Responsible for
Music co-ordination
Worship Leaders
Church life
Responsible for
Cradle Roll
Reps to meetings
Linking people
Mission and Ministry
Responsible for following up on our specific priorities
Creative Worship Team New models of worship / Sound & Vision / First 15 / Call the AA (All Age team)
St Thomas Liaison group
CaYT (Children and Youth Team)
Prayer and Pastoral
Responsible for
Care of Members (pastoral list)
Prayer co-ordination
Third age care
Pastoral group
Property (Operations management) & Finance
Responsible for
Maintenance of the property
Lettings policy (To be agreed by Church Council)
Agreement of annual budget (ditto)
Receipt of regular financial reports
Health and Safety
Fire Safety
Risk Assessment
Events and fund-raising group