Thursday afternoons at Cross Hills: 1.00pm - 2.30pm

We have a well established, church run “Baby & Toddler” group celebrating its 32nd year. It aims to offer an opportunity for parents, grandparents, and carers to meet up have a chat and relax over a cuppa; for the children to learn to play and share with each other, in a church friendly environment of love, support and care.

The Baby and Toddlers Group meets on Thursdays between 1.00pm and 2.30pm and is for children of pre-school age. It provides activities for the children including a time of songs &  Rhymes, it is also an opportunity for parents, grandparents and other relatives to meet together for a chat and ‘keep up with the latest gossip’. We have once again built up a lovely group of Baby and Toddlers - in fact it's buzzing!!

Many of the parents / grandparents / guardians already know each other and have passed the word to come along and join us, which is great! Thanks - Marilyn & Margaret